Nuffield Ireland scholarships worth €16,000 apply now

Nuffield Ireland scholarships is actively promoting scholarship opportunities for Irish farmers and agricultural professionals to support, rural leadership development in the face of various challenges such as trade tensions, inflation in the cost of living, and climate change.

The core objective of the rural leadership development program is to provide participants with the platform to conduct research on various aspects related to farming and food systems, markets, and innovative techniques.

One of the key benefits of the program is the provision of a bursary worth €16,000, which covers travel and accommodation expenses for a minimum of nine weeks of travel. Eligible applicants typically have at least five years of experience in farming or business and fall within the age range of 25 to 45.


  • Applications for the 2024 Scholarships are now open.
  • The closing date for applications for the 2024 Scholarships is August 24th, 2023.
  • Preliminary interviews are scheduled for September 5th, 2023.
  • Final interviews will take place on September 12th, 2023.

For further information and access to the application form, interested individuals can visit the Nuffield Ireland website at Alternatively, they can contact Catherine Lascurettes via email at [email protected] or by phone at 086-269 1197.

Why a Nuffield Farming Scholarship?

The deadline for applications for the 2024 Scholarships is Friday, August 24th, 2023.

The process of applying for Nuffield Scholarships occurs annually in late summer and is detailed in the Irish Farmers Journal during the summer months, Applications should be submitted via email in the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from the Nuffield Ireland website or requested by email from [email protected].

Candidates with strong applications will be selected for interviews, where an interview panel will assess their suitability for receiving a scholarship, Preliminary interviews are scheduled for September 5th, 2023, with final interviews taking place on September 12th, 2023.

Selected scholars will join a global community of forward-thinking individuals and industry leaders in the field of agriculture, Prospective scholars are encouraged to reach out to a scholar in their local area for guidance and preparation during the application and interview process.

During the 18-month scholarship period, scholars are required to undertake a minimum of 9 weeks of travel, including participation in the one-week Contemporary Scholars Conference and a roughly 4-week Global Focus Programme, Aside from these obligations, there are no specific restrictions on where, how, or when a scholar may travel during their individual travels.

Nuffield Farming Scholarship
Nuffield Farming Scholarship

Download Application Form


Why Choose a Nuffield Farming Scholarship?

A Nuffield Farming Scholarship offered by Nuffield Ireland is a prestigious leadership program designed for individuals who are passionate about advancing agriculture and rural communities.

Nuffield Ireland awards up to six scholarships annually, aiming to foster the development of future industry leaders while facilitating international networking opportunities with exceptional individuals in the agricultural sector.

What are the Advantages of Becoming a Nuffield Scholar?

By becoming a Nuffield Scholar, you gain access to a range of benefits and opportunities:

  • International Agricultural Leadership Program: The scholarship provides you with the chance to participate in a comprehensive international agricultural leadership program, This program offers valuable insights, exposure to innovative practices, and a global perspective on agriculture.
  • Membership in Nuffield Ireland: As a Nuffield Scholar, you become a member of Nuffield Ireland, which allows you to actively contribute to the promotion of agriculture and agriculturally related issues within the country.
  • Global Network: You join a worldwide network of over 1,700 Nuffield Scholars who have benefited from the unique Nuffield experience, This network offers opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and lifelong connections with like-minded individuals who share a passion for agriculture.
  • Speaking Engagements and Leadership Roles: Nuffield Scholars are often highly sought-after speakers for agricultural and community groups, both domestically and internationally, Their expertise and experiences make them respected leaders in the field and valuable sources of information on global agricultural trends and developments.

Becoming a Nuffield Scholar opens doors to professional growth, enhances your leadership skills, and positions you as a key contributor in advancing agriculture and rural communities.

Who is Nuffield Seeking?

Nuffield is searching for individuals who are actively involved in the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture, or rural sectors. Ideally, applicants should fall within the age range of 25 to 45 years old and exhibit promising leadership potential.

What Does the Program Entail?

Participating in the Nuffield Farming Scholarship program involves the following components:

  • International Travel: Scholars are expected to undertake a minimum of 11 weeks of international travel within an 18-month period, This travel includes attending the Contemporary Scholars Conference (CSC) and the Global Focus Programme (GFP), These opportunities provide exposure to different agricultural practices, industries, and insights from around the world.
  • Networking: Scholars have the opportunity to connect with individuals associated with Nuffield globally, This network allows for valuable interactions, knowledge sharing, and collaborative endeavors with experts and professionals from various agricultural backgrounds.
  • Research and Report: Scholars are required to complete a written report spanning 30-40 pages. This report should highlight their research findings and insights gained from their travels and experiences, Furthermore, scholars are expected to present their report at the Nuffield Ireland Annual Conference within two years of receiving the scholarship.
  • Ongoing Involvement: Nuffield Scholars are encouraged to remain actively engaged with Nuffield even after completing their scholarship, This involvement may include contributing to the Nuffield community, sharing expertise, and participating in future initiatives.

By participating in the Nuffield Farming Scholarship program, individuals have the opportunity to expand their knowledge, enhance their leadership abilities, forge global connections, and contribute to the advancement of agriculture and rural sectors.

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